Ham and Egg Breakfast Sandwiches: Who Needs a McMuffin?
You can make a homemade Ham and Egg Breakfast Sandwich for less than $1 a sandwich. Keep them in the freezer in the mornings when you have no time to cook, and you still want to save money.

Even fast food has become too expensive to have every day for many of us. The good news is you can make great copycat dishes at home for a fraction of the cost. These Ham and Egg Breakfast Muffins freeze beautifully, so you can always pop one in the microwave and have a hot breakfast on the go!
A Ham and Egg Breakfast Muffin costs about $0.80/muffin and you can make a dozen for the freezer in about a half an hour.
To make 12 Breakfast Muffins, you will need nonstick spray, a dozen eggs, a dozen English muffins, 12-24 breakfast ham (Canadian bacon), twelve processed cheese slices, one-half stick butter, salt, and pepper.

Split your muffins and place them on a cookie sheet. Butter each half if you prefer. Spray a 12-count muffin tin with nonstick spray. Break an egg in each well, break the yolk, and mix slightly with a fork. Salt and pepper each egg.

Place in a 350 oven until the eggs are firm when you press against them with a finger--they can be soft but not runny or mushy. This will take about 15 minutes, depending on the size of your tin and the eggs. Take the eggs out of the oven and let them cool slightly. Turn the oven to broil. Broil the muffins until toasty.

Place an egg on each muffin, then 1-2 slices of ham, then a processed cheese slice. Put the sheet back under the broiler for a minute or two, until cheese melts.

Take out of oven and place top on each muffin sandwich while the cheese is still soft.

Wrap individually in parchment paper and place wrapped muffin in two-gallon Ziplock bags.

Make sure they are cool, then place in the freezer. Freeze for up to 4 months.

It is best to take a muffin out the night before and thaw it in the refrigerator, but you can also place it on a plate in the microwave and cook for about 2 minutes.
